Catedra de Chimie-Biologie                              Chemistry-Biology Department                                              UBM
  North University of Baia Mare


About us
Scientific Research

EVENTS - Scientific Session of Students

      The scientific session dedicated to students and open to all students, is an event with tradition in Universitatea de Nord in Baia Mare, that takes place during May in each year.

Educational goals:

to develop the students’ skills to lay – out in a logical and representative framework scientific content;
› to build the students’ ability to make a public address and to be persuasive about a scientific hypothesis;
› to stimulate students to embrace the scientific language specific to their area;
› to put to efficient use the results students get out of their research work in order to enhance knowledge in the field of their study;
› to train students in order to present adequately their work for graduation diploma.

The Chemistry – Biology Department has broken down this session in four fields:

› Biology
› Food engineering
› Control and expertize of food

Prizes are awarded to the most interesting presentations. Students interested to attend are required to summarise their findings in a Power Point presentation. A presentation will not span more than 10 minutes, to which a session of questions/ discussions no longer than 5 minutes could follow.

Scientific Secretary in the Faculty of Sciences: Conf.dr. Camelia Varga.


                                                Copyright © 2008 - Chemistry-Biology Department - Design: Oniga Sarolta