1. I declare that submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
2. Documents need to provide on the platform: Cover Letter according to the TEMPLATE The other files: Submission file 1 (DOC/DOCX); Submission file 2 in (PDF and DOC/DOCX), tables and figures if applicable
3.Submision file 1 - In Microsoft DOC.DOCX - Title Page with Mannuscript Title, Authors, Afiliation and coresponding author email address. Template File 1
4. Submission file 2 - in PDF and Microsoft DOC/DOCX - Anonymus manuscript without any author/authors and affiliation, with figures and tables at the end of the manuscript. Template File 2 and the Title Page anoymized Title page anonymized Figures should be uploaded also in separate files as BMP, JPG, TIFF; (minimum 300 dpi)
5.All the manuscripts send it for evaluation need to respect journal format and Author Guideline, we strongly recommend to read before and respect journal rules,
6.Cover letter signed by all the authors regarding plagiarism rules, according to the Author Guideline
7.Do not forget to add all the authors and them details and affiliations when register on the Manuscript Management Platform
8. For submission Author need to register on the Manuscript Management Platform: https://opacj.org/carpathian-fst